ACROSS NH is dedicated to supporting out-of-school time (OST) professionals in their work to create high quality, innovative programs for New Hampshire’s school age children. The preparation of this website was financed under a contract with the State of NH, DHHS, with funds provided in part by the State of NH and the US DHHS.
Granite Steps for Quality
The NH DHHS and Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration is pleased to provide the newest Quality Recognition and Improvement System, Granite Steps for Quality (GSQ). This program supports NH’s early childhood and out of school time (OST) programs on their path to enhanced quality so that children thrive and succeed in school and beyond. The GSQ replaces the Licensed Plus Program and focuses on helping programs enhance their quality through self-study, professional development, coaching and other technical assistance.
It is time to get recognized for all you do and become one of New Hampshire’s “recognized” quality programs as a Granite Steps for Quality awardee. To get started download and review the "Granite Steps for Quality Guide," and the GSQ application. Download the latest revised edition of "Frequently Asked Questions" about GSQ. To learn more about using GSQ Incentive Funds, download the "Guide to Granite Steps for Quality Incentive Funds." You can download the recent "Granite Steps for Quality Incentive Spreadsheet." If you have a different question, please email it to NHGSQ@dhhs.nh.gov.
The Granite Steps for Quality Capacity Building Contract team celebrated the Out of School Time (OST) programs that earned a GSQ step by providing a tool kit to support continuous program quality improvement on the ERS Pathway. This incentive was provided to 36 OST programs that were awarded a step on or before February 2024 in the Granite Steps for Quality. There will be more opportunities to come! See what programs earned HERE.
Program Quality Improvement
ACROSS NH provides training geared specifically on program quality improvement for OST programs and child care programs with an OST component. For dates and times for these trainings, go to https://www.acrossnh.org/training-calendar.
ACROSS NH provides technical assistance (TA) to programs that are preparing to apply for a Granite Step for Quality (GSQ), apply for Afterschool Credentials, and look to focus on Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). To request a training or technical assistance for your program, email Cathy Hazelton, ACROSS NH Director, at chazelton@acrossnh.org.