Technical Assistance
Consultation is the collaborative, problem-solving process between a member of our out of schooltime professional team and the specific needs of your organization. Consultation facilitates the assessment and resolution of an issue specific concern such as a programming, organizational, staff-related, child-related, or family-related issue or topic.
Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching is the relationship-based process led by a member of our team of afterschool master professionals. Coaching is designed to build capacity for specific professional skills and behaviors and is focused on goal setting and achievement for a director or program. Mentoring is the relationship-based process between out of school time colleagues in similar professional roles. Mentoring is intended to increase individual’s personal or professional capacity, resulting in greater professional effectiveness.
Our areas of expertise include curriculum and programming, staff development, financial management, and program improvement for out of school time programs. We can help you evaluate your program, define its strengths, and make a plan to develop strategies for change. Our team can guide you and your staff through the Granite Steps for Quality and the Afterschool Credential process.