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Provider Resources

Below is a list of resources for out of school time (OST) providers. Each item includes a brief description and a link to the resource website.

Governance and Organizations

  • ​2-1-1
    This phone number provides easy access to all the health and human services available in NH thanks to a unique coalition of non-profits, state, corporate and volunteer partners.

  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers
    The NH DOE provides resources for 21st Century Community Learning Centers including forms and documents needed to keep your 21CCLC program running smoothly.

  • Afterschool Alliance
    The Afterschool Alliance has a website bursting with resources for afterschool programs of all shapes and sizes! Check out their America After 3pm reports that include state specific data and info graphics and other tools to spread the word about afterschool.

  • Approved Webinars
    This is a list provided by the Child Care Licensing Unit of the approved websites for Professional Development Hours.

  • Asthma Control Program
    The Asthma Control Program, within DHHS Division of Public Health Services, supports asthma education and management across the state through. The program provides resources and supportive community partnership to help raise awareness of asthma and improve asthma management for school-aged children. 

  • Billing and Payment in the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)
    The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is a Federal program that is funded by Federal and State Funds. The link above provides details and further resources about this funding.

  • Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration
    The Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration (BCDHSC) is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and their families.

  • Child Care Aware Training Academy
    Follow the link above to the online Child Care Professional Development Center.

  • Child Care Licensing of NH
    The Child Care Licensing Unit, part of the NH DHHS, has information regarding rules and regulations surrounding licensing in NH and also provides technical assistance and consultation.

  • Child Care Scholarships
    Child care assistance helps with the cost of child care. Parents must be working, looking for work or in a training program. There are 11 District Offices in NH that help families apply for child care assistance. Gross family income is used to determine eligibility. Gross family income must not exceed 220% of the federal poverty guidelines. Parents may apply for child care assistance through the Division of Family Assistance.

  • Child and Adult Care Food Program
    The CACFP provides aid to child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for the provision of nutritious foods. Visit their website to see if your site qualifies to receive CACFP.

  • Community College System of NH
    CCSNH is a public system of higher education consisting of seven independent colleges, plus local academic centers.  Programs designed to prepare you for today’s job market and/or for successful college transfer

  • CPR and First Aid
    This is a list of CPR and First Aid trainings.

  • EZChild Track
    EZChild Track is a comprehensive online childcare software with automated billing/payment, parent portal, site access and multiple attendance options. With EZChild Track, program directors, site coordinators, staff members can manage operations from a single system.

  • UNH College of Professional Studies
    Granite State College is focused exclusively on providing adults with supportive, high-quality and affordable programs.

  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The IDEA is a law to ensure students with disabilities are provided with the appropriate services. Their website can inform you the types of services you are required to provide.

  • National Institute on Out-of-School Time
    NIOST provides afterschool programs with evaluations, consultation, and training for all out of school time programs. 

  • National Afterschool Association
    NAA is a membership organization for professionals who work with children and youth in diverse school and community settings to provide a wide variety of extended learning opportunities and care during out of school hours.

  • NH Afterschool Network
    NHAN is a statewide organization tasked with increasing the sustainability and reach of afterschool programs in NH. 

  • NH Department of Health and Human Services
    New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services home page.

  • NH Care Path
    NH Care Path connects you to a range of information, assistance and care throughout NH, from caregiver resources and services for aging, disability and independent living to counseling and financial planning tools.

  • NH Coalition to End Homelessness
    To find help for the homeless children and families in your area, visit the website of the NH Coalition to End Homelessness, a division of Families in Transition.

  • New Futures
    New Futures is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advocates, educates, and collaborates to improve the health and wellness of all New Hampshire residents through policy change.

  • Trauma Response Resource List
    The National Workforce Registry Alliance has compiled a list of resources for providers to consult after a community trauma event



  • 4-H Afterschool 
    The UNH Cooperative Extension's website offers many resources on how to get 4-H involved in your program as well as other resources for afterschool programs.

  • Build Our Kids Success (BOKS) Program
    The premise of the program is Active Kids= Active Minds, and while BOKS started as a before school program, today we encourage schools to get kids moving with BOKS at any time! Whether before, during, or after school, BOKS has FREE curriculums and resources to support you. The BOKS mission is to promote the profound impact of physical activity on a child’s mind, body, and community. BOKS will provide an opportunity for children to increase their daily physical activity in an effort to achieve the CDC’s recommended dosage of 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week. BOKS focuses on having fun and non-competitive play.

  • Boston Children's Museum 
    Boston Children's Museum provides resources for families and educators to help support that continuous discovery.  Since then we have focused our efforts on helping classroom teachers, afterschool educators, Head Start teachers, day care providers, parents and other caregivers to give every child their best opportunity to learn and grow through enrichment, engagement and fun. Our current learning resources address the needs of parents, afterschool educators and classroom teachers, and include both free online learning resources and paid professional development workshops. 

  • Child Obesity Prevention
    The Foundation for Healthy Communities is committed to several programs which address the issue of childhood obesity prevention and support the obesity prevention recommendations of the expert panel.

  • Exploratorium Afterschool
    The Exploratorium Afterschool program has great hands-on math and science activities for kids of all ages.

  • Global Oneness Project
    Doing a lesson plan on global literacy? Want to increase cultural awareness at your program? The Global Oneness Project is a great resource offering free multi-cultural stories in different formats with accompanying lesson plans.


  • Learning for Justice (Formerly: Teaching Tolerance)
    Learning for Justice has a wide array of resources to get kids thinking about diversity, equity, and justice. Resources including: lesson plans, webinars, film kits, and more! 

  • Search Institute
    The Search Institute provides ideas and approaches based on research to promote positive youth development and advance equity. In the past decade, their research and practice has focused on the developmental relationships framework, which identifies five elements and 20 actions that make relationships strong for young people.

  • TED Talks for Educators
    TED has a special page dedicated to TEDtalks related to education and also a page where you can find lesson plans or create your own lesson plan based on a TEDtalk called TEDEd: Lessons Worth Sharing.

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